Don Bosco Development Centre


No.66,Dungalpitiya,Thalahena - 11504,Negombo

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(+94) 76 306 7716


Since the end of June 2024, Sri Lanka was experiencing heavy torrential rainfall for nearly a month. This caused floods and landslide in many areas of the country. To help the affected people of the Gampaha district, particularly in two of the most affected villages, Don Bosco Development Centre implemented an emergency flood relief program for providing meals to the flood-affected families.

Due to houses being partially submerged the people of the area did not have the possibility of cooking in their kitchens and also due to the loss of daily work the people also did not have means to afford food.
The flood situation continued for nearly 3 weeks as the rains kept down pouring heavily. Nine programs were conducted during this period to providing meals for the flood victims of the community.

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