Don Bosco Development Centre


No.66,Dungalpitiya,Thalahena - 11504,Negombo

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(+94) 76 306 7716


Kilinochchi suffered significant destruction during the final phase of the war since it served as the LTTE’s administrative hub and de facto capital. Consequently, the areas came under heavy fighting and was the final district to be freed of war. Therefore, the district still suffers from poverty, lack of infrastructure and educational facilities. English medium education in Sri Lanka is a commodity reserved for the Rich as the fees of the English medium education facilities are sky high. English medium education opens avenues for success such as possibility for higher education and employment locally and abroad.
Therefore, Don Bosco Sri Lanka introduced a model network of schools which provides English medium education in a manner that is accessible to the poor. In Kilinochchi the ground floor of the school was inaugurated in the month of March 2023, and already there are 300 children enrolled in the school and the demand for the school is increasing day by day.

The construction of the first floor with 8 class rooms, Library and IT lab commenced in the month of June 2024. The new construction will allow the school to give more opportunities to the poor as there will be more space to accommodate them.

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