Women Empowerment

We empower women by enabling their income-earning opportunities, through development of sustainable streams of livelihoods and income generation activities. Self-Help Groups, which are an informal association of women in Nachchikuda area, in Kilinochchi District are expected to work very well with the objective of empowering women economically, socially, politically, institutionally and spiritually. The project envisions […]
Youth Empowerment

Vocational training offers youth with employable skill development equipping them with means to be integrated well into society. We have established six Don Bosco Vocational Institutes in Sri Lanka. Through these institutes, we provide a good quality technical education with academic and practical knowledge with full and partial scholarships to poor girls and boys.
Child Empowerment

We support orphaned, neglected, destitute and abandoned children in our care. We take responsibility to build up their personalities by providing academic education, food, shelter, psychological support and guidance. We maintain two children’s homes, two boys’ hostels and a girls’ hostel for the most vulnerable children of our society. 01. Bosco Sevana – Uswetakeiyawa Don […]