We support orphaned, neglected, destitute and abandoned children in our care. We take responsibility to build up their personalities by providing academic education, food, shelter, psychological support and guidance.
We maintain two children’s homes, two boys’ hostels and a girls’ hostel for the most vulnerable children of our society.
01. Bosco Sevana – Uswetakeiyawa
Don Bosco Boys’ Home named “Bosco Sevana” at Uswetakeiyawa is one of the oldest rehabilitation centres of Don Bosco Sri Lanka. The centre was founded in 1996 and it was initially built as a rehabilitation centre for the boys who were traded in the sex tourism to rehabilitate and reincorporate them into the society. Presently there are 30 children and children sheltered in the institute in the age group of 11 to 19 years. The main aim is to prevent the children from falling into different vices and helping them to develop themselves holistically so that they will be better prepared overcoming the unpleasant experiences faced in the childhood to face the future as responsible and honest citizens.

02. Don Bosco Boys’ Home, Bibile
Don Bosco Bibile acts as a home for poor, vulnerable, marginalized, orphaned and at risk children and teenagers. The children are assisted with academic education, food, shelter, support and guidance.
This home provides accommodation for 30 boys with a surrounding facilitated to help them build up their personalities and identify their talents and to come up in their lives breaking the chain of poverty they were born into.

03. Don Bosco Girls’ Hostel, Nachchikuda
Don Bosco Development Center reaches out to poor and vulnerable young girls through Don Bosco Girls’ Hostel in Nachchikuda, where we provide an environment in which the girls are encouraged to pursue their dreams through vocational training. With the hostel facilities provided, girls’ safety and nutrition are cared for in a secure environment. The girls come mainly from the civil war affected areas therefore they have been forced to experience extreme poverty and deprivation. presently there are 25 girls in the Don Bosco Girls’ hostel, Nachchikuda. They are given vocational training facilities, and these girls are motivated to improve their skill in English language and computer studies making them equipped to build themselves as sustainable future.

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